Thursday, 19 March 2015


Life's too short to not have focus. It's always lost opportunity that we seem to think about and not what we've achieved.

I should have pursued my art.
Done more than study.
Gone a bit crazy once in a while.

Regret brings with it a murky haze of self-doubt and we don't need more of that in our lives. What we do need though is something to focus on. A 'list for life' as I like to think of it. Where do I want to be in 2, 5, 10 years time? What have I done to achieve my goals? Do I even enjoy what I'm doing right now?

It always happens wherein after a period of time you feel as if your life is in a rut, stagnating from all ends and you're getting suffocated in. Break those barriers you've built around you and make the change that you hoped would happen. Daring to dream never hurt nobody. We all have aspirations we'd like to see fulfilled and planning to achieve them is the first step to make.

These last ten weeks in University have been a bit chaotic. I reconnected with the fun I thought I had lost, found difference in normality and in the process fell down a lot more than I realised. It hurt, in fact I'm glad it did, but it also made me realise that trying to change yourself will definitely not be a walk in the park.

People always look around each other before making the first judgement on their own lives. A 'reference point' for individuality as I like to think of it. We all want what others have, after all we're just as capable so why shouldn't we be given the chance? The thing is you don't simply pick up an instrument and begin to play. You practise, and for that it takes discipline.