Monday, 8 August 2016


"This is my life; I aim to live mine to the fullest"

"There's so much more that I could be doing; This is my chance"

"These are the times we create memories with the people that will last with us forever""

Independence to me is a strange concept. I don't particularly view it as the ability to survive on your own. I see it more as a nature; the willingness to thrive in scenarios that you construct and have complete control of. As an independent individual; you rely not on the opinions or considerations of others. Your life was meant to be lead the way you want it to be lead. Any mistake or gain is yours to take pride in or accept.

Now to me this was something I found hard to believe. The ability to alienate how others would react and focus purely on self-gain is something that I have never been able to achieve; albeit sometimes I wish I could. The "right thing" in my mind involved the altruistic view that perhaps being there for someone would eventually work out. You soon begin to realise that life doesn't usually work that way. You very rarely find two individuals who are able lean back and forth onto each other in perfect balance. There will be those times when you feel left out and nothing really can be done to change it; besides accepting it.

Funny though; we don't realise how we sometimes delve in and out of our dependent and independent lives. See to an individual who does what's best for them, there may be times where being dependent onto someone is in fact what's best for them. Temporarily though; there's always that conflicting struggle between being tied down and realising you want this. Primarily I've found that people are quite defensive about being reliant on someone. A sign of weakness in there minds perhaps. More so the chance of getting hurt.

The three lines I wrote at the start of this piece. Which one appealed to you the most? Think about what kind of person that makes you. Are you dependent, independent or somewhere in-between?

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