Tuesday, 28 June 2016

SS.7 Dimensions

The following pieces are a reflection of the experience both I and those around me have encountered. This 10 part series brings with it an attachment to a part of life built upon by a significant human emotion.

Disclaimer: The series is based loosely on sketches of random events. In no way is it meant to represent a factual life.

Song of Choice - "Lost My Way" - MAX

Moonlight arched over the window as he awoke pale faced and drenched in sweat. Covers were thrown. He stood up. 

"The past haunts me still"

His silhouette faced the ivory mirror as he stared back into the cold brown eyes that he knew so well. Tears glistened as his irises refracted back the glowing moon. It was time to go back. To embrace the past that had denied him peace of mind. To look beyond the man that he had become. To see beyond his one-dimension. His vision blurred. 

"He smiled. The air bubbled with tales of happiness. They playfully argued. Memories that were made only recently bound tighter than steel. It was his priority. To restore the damage that had been done so as to begin anew. People scoffed. How could one trust so willingly? To care beyond that which others had been treated with for so long? Voices were brushed away carelessly. His desire to prove wrong the capability of people drove him further. Instilling change was his biggest strength and perhaps his only weakness. He was blinded. Ties shattered and life grew dark. "I've lost my way""

"People spoke about him with passion. He was friend to all yet relied on none? How could he? When people existed to use him. Don't let them in. They'd never understand you. They never did but he always let them in. Each one breaking a part that brought importance to his life. It darkened his view on what the world promised. Guilt, Greed, Gossip. Self-desire fuelled all it seemed. Why shouldn't it though? His was a world of survival, yet only he was the fool trying to build a future."

"They saw greatness. He saw only the next goal. Targets blinded his view. Like a never ending game, he simply wanted to move onto the next mission. His impatience soon saw the downfall of what could have been. He made mistakes. Sidetracked by others he flung himself into a life of tranquility that was time-bound to his need by the few. That need ended and he was left alone again. Pain welled up inside and he refused to see the good that he had left behind. Other's pride in him was mere dust that reminded him of a past when he was happy. He yearned for that yet searched in all the wrong places."

The moonlight calmed him. Heartbeats returned to normal as a smile reflected back from the mirror he saw into. "Never again". And then the walls returned. 

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