Shower and shaved, his hair gelled back into large waves that only highlighted his features, he sat; crisp white shirt barely phased by the oakwood chair as he browsed through his memories so neatly arranged by the glowing screen in front of him. This day was particularly special to him; he remembered it so clearly the last time it came down.
A familiar feeling came over him; verity. Instincts had guided him to do what needed to be done, but body and mind were in conflict as decisions that were set in stone were foresaken and choices were made, coins were flipped. However the year had been kind; it had forgiven him for the paths that had been taken and he had been rewarded for his solitude; perhaps not in the way one would expect but exemplary regardless. A shiver ran down his spine as he wiped his screen; a blank page in front of him, the cursor blinking. The first word was hardest but the rest flowed through as a memory that had built up over time. This is his tale
The year brought with it pain,
Flesh was inflicted and memories were tortured,
The year brought with it happiness,
Realisation gave people hope,
Love came from avenues unexpected,
Where betrayal was shown by areas unheard of,
This year friends changed hands,
A barter never spoken off but realised all the same,
People were met, and people were forgotten,
This year brought mistakes,
You and I both know where we fucked up,
But we also know how we grew,
Acceptance was a big part of this,
This year brought chances,
Foolish ones but taken regardless,
And for once...
Perhaps things may work out.
He smiled as his phone flashed light blue. It was time to go out and celebrate. The cloudless night brought with it serenity as he lifted his jacket on, eager to bring in what was bound to be the next step in an exciting adventure. He smirked, an expression so familiar yet so heartwarmingly unique, as he closed the chapter onto another year.