Tuesday 23 July 2013

Why I'd make a good story teller

So I was reminiscing like usual, thinking about old times and how much they meant to me when I suddenly realized... I can remember shit! Pardon the language but like most people I've met tend to forget nearly everything beyond the last week of their existence. Now I'm not talking about major stuff but rather simplistic stuff; stuff that people forget... Stuff that I weirdly remember.

Acha getting back to the main point. I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to retelling past events, I've got the whole ' Remember that one time...' thing down pat. This is mainly because I love telling stories and freaking people out by all the awkward stuff I remember, and secondly I cherish those memories more than anything else in the entire world (wow that sounded so lame). So as I treat for you people, I thought I'd share a story with you all.

Now while I don't consider this an actual story I feel that it's still a significant part of my life and one I don't mind sharing with you... that and I can't think of anything remotely interesting to talk about. So now I'm pretty sure many of you out there know who Iggy is (in case you didn't he's a lethargic piece of fat that I call a guinea pig) and this is the story of how I got him. Now as I child I loved to blackmail people (still do sometimes) and that plus my re-collective memory meant that promising me anything while was young was a big mistake.

Our story starts 8 years ago when I was at the tender age of 10 (I wouldn't say tender since I was as round as a beach ball) and my family and I were driving out of town for a weekend of relaxation. Now while my mom went to visit the loo when we stopped for a break, I cornered my poor unsuspecting father (never try and outwit my mother). I said to him 'Dad I want a dog (note always ask for something more than what you expect)', to which he laughed in response. Then I played the classic 'cry as loud as you can' card, and the moment the waterworks went off my dad panicked. So to console me he said' Son when you're 14 we'll get you a dog', to which I responded 'Promise?' and then my father made the biggest mistake of his life by not realizing who he was dealing with when he said 'Yes'.

Flash-forward 4 years and my birthday is approaching. I'm like parents I want a dog for my birthday. My mom thinks I'm joking, and my dad seems to have forgotten his promise. However I didn't, and unfortunately my dad got the short end of the stick when he had to explain to my rather 'astounded' mother why on Earth I'd be getting a dog. However, my mom refused to budge on the whole not getting a dog so that meant only one thing... I'd have to get bribed. Now when I get bribed, I get paid off big time. So for that simple promise I made 4 years ago, I was bequeathed a brand new laptop and a tiny pet of my choice (I'm evil I know).

Now the dilemma came up as to what on Earth should I get as my new found companion. I despise birds because I can't pick them up, and cats are a bit too violent for my taste, so the only adorable thing remaining was my beloved guinea pigs. Next came choosing one. When you to go the pet store looking for rodents there are two situations that are most likely to occur. Either they'll have tons of freshly shipped in babies (that sounded wrong as well) or they'll have none at all. I weirdly enough went somewhere in the middle where only a few of the tiny little hairballs were remaining, and that is where I saw him. The tiniest in the lot, his orange colored fur stood out like a warning symbol. What my mom liked about him the most was that literally anything on this Earth would scare him shitless.

Pardon the language but that's actually true and so she thought that he'd be the most harmless for me. Strange enough I knew, that when I held him in my arms, his tiny paws reaching up to my neck, that he was definitely the one for me... And thus I wound up with my first ever guinea pig, though more were soon to follow.

That brings us to the end of our rather weird and maybe sorta retarded story. I'm not sure if it was interesting or not but I definitely had fun reliving the moment, and it was nice to write something other than a depressing emotional post. Who knows maybe if my friends pester me enough (hint hint) I'll write another story for you guys... perhaps one that's more juicier next time.

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